Thrusting Vibrator għan-Nisa Ġugarelli Massager għall-Adulti


Masturbaturi tal-istimulatur tal-klitorali tal-vibratur anali għall-adulti 18 Magni tas-Sess


Vibrator for Women Massager Toys for Adults Anal Vibrator Clitoral Stimulator Masturbators for Adults 18 Magni tas-Sess

Scenes to be used:

One person, both men and women can use it.

Couples, use it to flirt.

It can also be used by two people, and both people can experience the pleasure.

More ways to play, waiting for you to unlock….

Product description:

1. Modalità: 10 mode

2. Charging: USB chargig

3. Storbju: less than 50

4. Ma jgħaddix ilma: IPX7 reżistenti għall-ilma

5. Cleaning: After use, the vibrator should be cleaned as soon as possible. Warm water and soap can be used for cleaning.

Package Contents:

USB charging cable X1 (without adapter)

Vibrator X1

Box X1

Instructions for use X1


1. The product should not be immersed in water for a long time to clean

2. Store in a cool, ventilated, dry place.

3. Can be used with lubricants

4. If you encounter any problems, please contact us before the comments.

Nota: We are committed to protecting your privacy. No sensitive words are displayed on the package.

Informazzjoni addizzjonali



Numru ta' Biċċiet

Unità Waħda



Tip ta' Oġġett



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