18 Veloċità qawwija Dildo Vibrator AV Magic Wand

(10 reviżjonijiet tal-klijenti)


G-Spot Massager Ġugarell tas-Sess għan-Nisa Koppja Stimolatur tal-Klitoris għall-Adulti


The vibrator cannot work during the charging process. Please do not press and hold the power button while charging. Unplug the charging cable and press the power button when you are done charging!

DilDo+Magic Wand Vibrator that can make you crazy

The biggest feature of AV010 is that it has dual motors. The head of the vibrator can stimulate the clitoris, the nipple and the tail can be inserted into the vagina to stimulate the G-spot. Double stimulation gives you a different sexual experience.

Has powerful dual motors, which can stimulate the clitoris, bżieżel, and can also be inserted into the vagina to stimulate the G-spot

18 Freqency Vibration Mode,Each vibration frequency will bring you a different sexual experience, you can get an orgasm in a short time

The material uses safe and non-toxic silica gel, which is non-irritating to the skin, does not have to worry about allergies, and has good flexibility

The charging method adopts magnetic charging, which has better waterproof performance. Whether it is a bathtub or a swimming pool, it can be easily used

Even with two powerful motors, the noise is still very small, just like the buzzing sound of mosquitoes. When you are immersed in a pleasant orgasm, you don’t have to worry about your neighbors or people in the next room hearing strange sounds.

Dwar Pakkett

Sabiex tipproteġi l-privatezza tiegħek, aħna niggarantixxu li tibgħat il-prodotti tiegħek f'kondizzjoni sigura. Il-prodott se jkun ippakkjat b'borża ta 'l-arja/envelop tal-plastik bżieżaq isfar biex tiġi evitata ħsara waqt it-trasport.

Dwar Garanzija

Rifużjoni sħiħa jekk l-oġġett ma jaqbilx mad-deskrizzjoni jew difettuż.

Dwar il-Prodott

Il-prodotti kollha huma 100% ġdid fjamant, operabbli u kkontrollati bir-reqqa qabel ma tibgħat.

Il-prodotti kollha huma magħmula minn materjal ta 'grad Mediku, 100% sigurtà, ma jagħmilx ħsara lill-ġisem, (Huwa normali li tinxtamm riħa żgħira meta tiftaħ l-ewwel darba, minħabba li l-prodott kien f'pakkett issiġillat għal xhur. Jekk jogħġbok naddafha u nixxef b'mod naturali, ir-riħa se tisparixxi dalwaqt.)

Dwar il-Ġarr

Aħna nibagħtu ordni fi ħdan 5 ġranet tax-xogħol. Il-ħin tal-kunsinna se jvarja skond il-pajjiżi differenti u se jkun affettwat mit-temp,pubilc holidays and so on. If order dosen’t recevied in declare time, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.

X'għandek tagħmel jekk tissodisfa l-problema tal-prodott

Jekk jogħġbok uża l-prodott skond il-manwal tal-prodott l-ewwel, jekk xorta ma tistax tużah, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lis-servizz tal-konsumatur fil-ħin, jekk jogħġbok ma tiftaħx tilwima bir-rieda, we believe communiocation is much better than dispute.

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


Iswed, Vjola, Warda Aħmar

Numru ta' Biċċiet

Unità Waħda







Tip ta' oġġett

Magic Wand + Vibratur Dildo


223mm X 45mm


18 Speeds Vibrator For Women


USB Rechargeable

Ma jgħaddix ilma


Use for

For vaginal and clit

Tip ta' ħanut

Sex shop

Karatteristika 1

Stimolatur tal-klitoris

Karatteristika 2

Vibrator Sex Toys For Adult

Karatteristika 3

Vibratur tal-klits

Karatteristika 4

Sex Toys for adults

Karatteristika 5

Erotic toys

Karatteristika 6

Sex vibrator for women

Funzjoni 1

Intimate goods

Funzjoni 2

Dildo for women

Funzjoni 3

Penis vibrator

10 reviżjonijiet għal 18 Veloċità qawwija Dildo Vibrator AV Magic Wand

  1. Olevia Lauder

    Very well I am very happy with my order and not at all disappointed

  2. Enrique Lutz

    arrivé très rapidement. correspond parfaitement à la description. bonne qualité

  3. Takako Ream

    Object compliant fast shipping perfect packaging serious seller. Perfect Madam very satisfied.

  4. Spanking Edwin

    Goods satisfied

  5. Germain Beaumont

    Received in 1 week ~ at first glance, very good quality (really yes) 18 speeds, and the handle serves as A sex toy in addition to being vibrating (the handle can vibrate independently of the ball) to see if it holds in time

  6. Germain Beaumont

    Received in 1 week ~ at first glance, very good quality (really yes) 18 speeds, and the handle serves as A sex toy in addition to being vibrating (the handle can vibrate independently of the ball) to see if it holds in time

  7. Oscar Alvarez

    Arrived in 5 jiem! A little expensive compared to the size that is smaller than in photo. Not tested yet but seems good

  8. Alpha Um

    The great product, the shipping was very delayed, trusted seller

  9. Diedra Spath

    Получила данный вибратор менее чем за месяц, пришел аккуратно упакованный в дутую пленку, предотвращающую повреждения. Сделан из бархатистой на ощупь резины, его приятно держать в руках. Гнется. Имеет массу режимов вибрации (вибрация довольно мощная), но тип вибрации только один (нельзя сделать сильнее или слабее). Шум от него примерно средний, не слишком громкий и точно не тихий)Ещё не было возможности использовать. Быстро заряжается,и думаю,что разряжается тоже быстро.

  10. Liberatur Accordino

    Article conforme, pas encore utiliser. Commande arriver plus vite que prévue encore merci

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