Thrusting Dildo Vibrators Clitoris Sucker għan-Nisa

(8 reviżjonijiet tal-klijenti)


Teleskopiku Strapless Strap-on Stimolatur tas-Sess Orali Femminili li jintlibes


Pakkett : Pakkett diskret , protect your privacy


Thrusting g spot vibrator

Telescopic vagina vibrator

Clit Sucking vibrator

Clitoris suck vibrator

Intelligent heating vibrator

Materjal: Body safe silicone ABS material

Convenient USB Charge



Informazzjoni addizzjonali


Dark gray, Chocolate




ABS+Silicone healthy material

Numru tal-Mudell

Clit Stimulator

Tip ta' Oġġett



sucking thrusting vibrators for women


irdigħ, vibrating, thrusting,heating, function


Ħlas USB

Karatteristika 1

Sucking Dildo Vibrator

Karatteristika 2

Clit stimulate

Karatteristika 3

sucking Adult Sex Toys for Women

Karatteristika 4

Sex Toys For women

Karatteristika 5

Vagina Clitoris Stimulate

Karatteristika 6

Sex Toys For female

Karatteristika 7

Sexy Toys For women

Karatteristika 8

Clitoris Stimulator Couples Fun

8 reviżjonijiet għal Thrusting Dildo Vibrators Clitoris Sucker għan-Nisa

  1. Branda Goshorn

    5 stars!! amazing product!!

  2. Graham Rankin

    Madame n is not completely satisfied because he has an angle that is too close to 90 degrees, as a result it does not apply well on the clitoris (forced to press it for it to work).
    The inner part a little imposing.

  3. Lelah Pelosi

    It’s a good starter

  4. Renesmae Knapp

    It doesn’t work. I pressed 3 seconds and it turns on. Then I support a second time briefly and nothing. I’m backing back and still nothing. I try with the remote control and it still does not work whatever the button. Apart from lighting it is strictly nothing happens.

  5. Daanyal Shepard

    Super fun

  6. Rudolf Kirsch

    good product

  7. Verline Cordon

    Very Impressed

  8. Fukumoto Shusake

    Great but is slightly noisy

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