
Ġugarelli Vibratur Rose Best għan-Nisa


Tbaħħir Ħieles


Isem tal-prodott: Rechargeable Super Mute Silicone Waterproof Clitoral Sucking Vibrating Rose Vibrator

Mudell Nru. :PAA-WK-A02

Materjal: Silikon + ABS

Storbju massimu: <50db

Provvista ta 'enerġija: Ħlas USB

Ħin tax-Xogħol: 1.5sigħat

Ċertifikazzjoni: CE ROHS

Pakkett: Kaxxa tal-Kulur

Grad li ma jgħaddix ilma minnu: Kuljum reżistenti għall-ilma

Modi ta' vibrazzjoni: 10 Modi li jivvibraw

Funzjonijiet: 10 modi ta 'vibrazzjoni u ġbid

Kontenut tal-pakkett: 1pcs * Vibratur tal-irdigħ, 1pcs * USB iċċarġjar cable, 1pcs* Manwal għall-utent

Tbaħħir: Tbaħħir standard b'xejn li jieħu madwar 12-18-il ġurnata.

Jista 'jkun ftit bil-mod iżda jistħoqqlu l-pazjent tiegħek stennija. Vibratur Rose, Rose Vibrator for Women, Rose Vibrator Toy, Vibrator Rose, Pink Rose Vibrator, Rose Vibrator Sex Toy, Rose Toy Vibrator, Rose Vibrators for Women, Rose Flower Vibrator, Rose Tongue Vibrator, Clit Licking Vibrator, Red Rose Vibrator, Rose Vibrators

What Is A Rose Vibrator?

Vibratur tal-ward is a sex toy that mimics a rose flower. Its unique and aesthetically pleasing design combines the beauty of flowers with the functionality of vibrators.

Can A Rose Vibrator Be Used For Clitoral Stimulation?

The majority of a Vibratur tal-ward is specifically designed to stimulate the clitoral area. Vibrating petals or textured surfaces of the rose can provide intense and pleasurable sensations.

Faqs About Rose Vibrator:

Q: Can rose vibrators be recharged?

A: Rose vibrators may be rechargeable or use replaceable batteries. Check the product’s specifications to determine whether it is rechargeable or battery-powered.

Q: Can I use a rose vibrator to stimulate my nipples?

A: A rose vibrator is suitable for stimulating the nipples because of its gentle vibrations and delicate design. Playing with it can be a unique and sensual experience.

Kun af aktar il-prodotti tagħna

Vibratur Bluetooth | Plug anali | Realistic sex doll | Ġugarell tas-sess tal-ward | Vibratur ta' spinta | Vibratur mill-bogħod

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