
Ilsien Klitorali Licking Irdigħ Vibrator

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $45.99.

Wistone Taurus 180° Rotazzjoni Vibrator għan-Nisa


A licking vibrator can give you an amazing experience with unforgettable memories. When you are alone, you will be able to reach for the experience which you haven’t reached before. Even with a partner as well, you couldn’t be able to reach for that much of feelings.

Sometimes your partner may not be willing to give you the licking experience well. That’s a personal issue. With the Taurus Licking Vibrator, you don’t have to be worry anymore. It’s very safe as well as amazing than you think.

This can be used as a Vibrating Penis rotator. This erotic tongue oral Licking Vibrator can work as a clitoris Stimulator as well. You can buy this product easily according to your desire via online shipping.

7-frequency vibration tongue licking mode, up to 75 times/second high-frequency vibration, can be used to suck nipples and clitoris, insert stimulation g spot for anal sex. 180°rotation stimulates different private parts, different rotation angles can be inserted into different sizes, so that you can get the greatest happy orgasm.


Brand: Wistone

Materjal: silicone

Daqs: 208*147*21.5mm

Kulur: aħdar

Karatteristiċi: 180° rotation, double head stimulation, 7-frequency vibration and

7-frequency tongue licking

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


Licking Green, Licking Purple, Sucking Green, Sucking Purple


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