Mukuwona zomwe zimayambitsa ziphuphu zakumaliseche?

Kodi chimayambitsa ziphuphu zakumaliseche ndi chiyani?

Mutha kupeza ziphuphu kumaso, ziphuphu zakumaso pamphumi, ziphuphu zakumaso kumbuyo, ndi ziphuphu m'makutu koma bwanji mutapeza ziphuphu zakumaliseche? Mosakayikira tidzadabwa kwambiri. Zomwe zidachitika kumaliseche athu?

Chifukwa chofala cha ziphuphu zakumaliseche ndi folliculitis, zomwe zimagwirizana ndi malo aukhondo am'deralo a ziwalo zobisika, kukhala kwa nthawi yayitali, kusapuma bwino kwa zovala zamkati, ndi kugwiritsa ntchito nthawi yayitali zinthu zaukhondo.

Ngati matenda tsitsi follicles zambiri, zobwerezabwereza ndipo ululu n'zoonekeratu, tikulimbikitsidwa kupeza chithandizo chamankhwala munthawi yake kuti mulandire chithandizo china. Ndipo mukamaliza kugwiritsa ntchito zoseweretsa zogonana, kumbukirani kuyeretsa maliseche anu bwinobwino.

Izi Post Ali nazo 2 Kodi chimayambitsa ziphuphu zakumaliseche ndi chiyani

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Siyani Yankho