ልዕለ እውነታዊ ዲልዶ ከመምጠጥ ዋንጫ ጋር


ነጻ ማጓጓዣ


የምርት ስም:Soft Didlo lifelike realistic 9.25 ኢንች

ሞዴል ቁጥር. : PAA-MD-408

ቁሳቁስ: ክሪስታል ጄሊ ቫይብራተሮች ዲልዶ

መጠን: 9.25inch/23.5CM

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን: 0.5ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ማረጋገጫ: CE ROHS

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን : ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

የውሃ መከላከያ ደረጃ: 100% ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን: ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን, ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ተግባራት:ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን: ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን, ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

የጥቅል ይዘት: 1ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ማጓጓዣ: ነጻ መደበኛ መላኪያ ይህም ከ10-15 ቀናት አካባቢ ይወስዳል

Pinkaiai.com: Super Realistic Dildo, Life Like Realistic Dildos, 9.25 Inch Realistic Dildo, Realistic Dildo Porn, Most Realistic Dildo, Hyper Realistic Dildo, Realistic Dildo Review, ተጨባጭ ዲልዶስ, Ultra Realistic Dildo, Buy Realistic Dildos, ተጨባጭ ዲልዶስ, Real Feel Dildos & የወሲብ መጫወቻዎች

What Is A Realistic Dildo?

ተጨባጭ ዲልዶ is a sex toy designed to simulate the look, feel, and texture of a real penis. Lifelike details like veins, glans, and even testicles are usually present. As a result, playing solo or partner will be more authentic and immersive.

What Materials Are Realistic Dildos Made Of?

A Silicone ተጨባጭ ዲልዶ can be made from thermoplastic elastomers, polyvinyl chloride, or even dual-layered materials. The realistic feel and body-safe properties of silicone make it a popular choice. On the other hand, the texture of TPE and PVC is softer and more flexible. Ensure that the material you choose is hypoallergenic and phthalate-free.

Faqs About Realistic Dildo:

ጥ: Is it possible to travel with a realistic Dildo?

ሀ: Travelling with a realistic dildo is possible, but it’s important to consider your destination and local laws. Travelling by air requires you to check your luggage to satisfy security regulations. Protect it from damage by wrapping it well or storing it in a travel case. Make sure you are familiar with the sex toy regulations of your travel destination.

ጥ: Can I use a realistic dildo in the shower or bathtub?

ሀ: It depends on the particular product. Realistic dildos can be used in wet environments since some are waterproof or water-resistant. Make sure the product is suitable for water play by checking its specifications.

የእኛን ምርቶች የበለጠ ይወቁ

የብሉቱዝ ነዛሪ | ወንድ ማስተርቤተሮች | ጥቁር ዲልዶ | የመስታወት ዲልዶ | ግዙፍ ዲልዶ

ተጭማሪ መረጃ




እስካሁን ምንም ግምገማዎች የሉም.

ለመገምገም የመጀመሪያው ይሁኑ"ልዕለ እውነታዊ ዲልዶ ከመምጠጥ ዋንጫ ጋር”

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።. አስፈላጊ መስኮች ምልክት ተደርጎባቸዋል *