ባለቀለም ክሪስታል ሱክሽን ዋንጫ Strapless Dildo


ነጻ ማጓጓዣ


የምርት ስም: Silicone massive dildo for women huge realistic

ሞዴል ቁጥር. : PAA-MD-415

ቁሳቁስ: Liquid silicon


1- ኤስ

Total length: 7.09 ኢንች / 18 ሴሜ

የማይገባ ርዝመት: 5.12 ኢንች / 13 ሴሜ

ዲያሜትር: 1.38 ኢንች / 3.5 ሴሜ

Bare weight: 270ሰ

2- ኤም

Total length: 7.87 ኢንች / 20 ሴሜ

የማይገባ ርዝመት: 5.51 ኢንች / 14 ሴሜ
diameter: 1.46 ኢንች / 3.7 ሴሜ

Bare weight: 305ሰ

3- ኤል

Total length: 10.24 inches/26 cm

የማይገባ ርዝመት: 7.87 ኢንች / 20 ሴሜ
Small diameter: 1.57 ኢንች / 4 ሴሜ

Major diameter: 1.97 inches/5 cm

Bare weight: 710ሰ

ማረጋገጫ: CE ROHS

የውሃ መከላከያ ደረጃ: 100% ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን: ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን, ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ተግባራት:ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን: ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን, ፒንካይ ለስላሳ ክሪስታል ሲሊኮን

ማጓጓዣ: ነጻ መደበኛ መላኪያ ይህም ከ10-15 ቀናት አካባቢ ይወስዳል

Pinkaiai.com: መምጠጥ ዋንጫ Dildo, Suction Cup Dildo Vibrator, Crystal Suction Cup Dildo, Vibrating Suction Cup Dildo, Colorful Crystal Suction Cup Strapless Dildo, Suction Cup Dildos Sex Toys, Sex Toys For Hands-Free Fun, Realistic Suction Cup Dildo, Suction Cup Dildos Online

Get a suction cup Dildo for hands-free pleasure

የመምጠጥ ኩባያ ዲልዶ offers hands-free pleasure. Suction cup dildos feature a suction cup base. Dildo sticks to smooth, flat surfaces such as walls, floors, or shower tiles, providing a hands-free experience. Suction cup dildos are made of body-safe materials, including silicone or realistic materials, and come in various sizes and shapes.

How Does A Suction Cup Dildo Work?

የመምጠጥ ኩባያ ዲልዶ creates a vacuum seal when pressed against an appropriate surface. Dildo can be used without having to hold it manually thanks to this secure attachment.

Faqs About Suction Cup Dildo:

ጥ: Do suction cup dildos work in the shower?

ሀ: Suction cup dildos are often waterproof, allowing you to use them in the shower or bathtub. Verify the product specifications to make sure it is water-resistant.

ጥ: Do suction cup dildos work with harnesses?

ሀ: Some suction cup dildos can be used with harnesses for strap-on play, making them compatible with harnesses. Check the specifications of your suction cup dildo to see if it has this feature.

የእኛን ምርቶች የበለጠ ይወቁ

የብሉቱዝ ነዛሪ | ወንድ ማስተርቤተሮች | ዲልዶ ማሽን | ፊንጢጣ ዲልዶ | ድርብ ዲልዶ

ተጭማሪ መረጃ




ኤል, ኤም, ኤስ


እስካሁን ምንም ግምገማዎች የሉም.

ለመገምገም የመጀመሪያው ይሁኑ"ባለቀለም ክሪስታል ሱክሽን ዋንጫ Strapless Dildo”

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።. አስፈላጊ መስኮች ምልክት ተደርጎባቸዋል *